Our Nabawiya Pattern Collection digital download features two banners: a "Ramadan Mubarak" banner and an "Eid Mubarak" Banner. Each piece of the banner measures 3" in width and 4.5" in height.
This is a digital purchase. Once Etsy has confirmed payment, an email will be sent directly to you containing the links to the files. Simply print them out, cut, hole punch, and hand your new banners up! These banners are the perfect solution to low-cost and last-minute decorations, but they also make a perfect welcome Ramadan gift for neighbors and loved ones!
This file is for personal use by a single user only. You may not use these files commercially or for profit. For use in organizations or large scale events, please contact us for our policy and we will be glad to work with you. Please do not share or forward these files. Thank you for respecting our policy.